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November 15, 2019-REVENGE TOUR-Tom's Grudge Match with "Big 8" Episode Preview is now available on our YouTube Channel.
November 15, 2019-Today, November 15th, is opening day of firearm deer season in Michigan. It's a day that is rich with tradition and hunting heritage. Albeit I am not a gun hunter, I still always try to be in camp with my dad and other family members. I do the cooking, the tracking and share in all the festivities. I want to reach out to all Michigan Hunters that are out there and wish them the best of luck, and remember- it's more about the memories than the kill.
-Tom Nelson
Tom and his father, Frank Nelson enjoying deer camp in Northern Michigan.
October 30, 2019-Sniper Sharp just released a very informative video on improving your eyesight. Check it out below.
Andy Morgan Tags Fifth-Largest Deer Ever Taken on Camera
Perry, Michigan| September 20, 2018 – Andy Morgan, while appearing on Wolf Creek Productions’ hit bowhunting series, American Archer® , arrowed a monster whitetail in Nebraska. Morgan, who resides in Dayton, Tennessee, bagged this magnificent whitetail with a rack that spanned 196 inches on a free-range farm in Nebraska. Morgan has been hunting in Nebraska for 15 years and it’s one of his favorite states for chasing big deer. This mature deer was at least seven years old and had been spotted by Andy four years ago. The warm temperatures during this early season hunt meant that Andy had to be at the top of his scent control game every time he went afield. Morgan made the shot from 46 yards away in a tree stand that he hung a couple weeks earlier. It was a perfect, double-lung hit, and the deer ran 200 yards before dropping.